From the series: The Bone Hunter Series

The Knackerman


In the classic whodunnit, the crime leaves behind its own clues. But what if those clues lead to something entirely different? Not just a deeper and darker crime, but a whole bloodstained landscape, and the evil it harbors?

While driving through dinosaur country, young paleontologist Nick Yearsley is detained by the local sheriff’s department and subsequently released. Ordered not to leave town, Nick finds himself approached by a retired geologist. The geologist shares an incredible theory and hands Nick a thirty-year-old “murder book” to prove his claims. The file documents numerous disappearances and murders that, according to the geologist, are all connected.

Nick is skeptical. He has had enough trouble and feels his luck is finally turning: he and the young Montana sheriff have come to see more than eye to eye. All he wants to do is to get back to her, and his dinosaurs. But no sooner does he resume his excavation work in the area than the unexpected strikes again: Sheriff Sally’s chief deputy disappears after a violent assault while driving on a county road. One deputy down and confronted with a devastating loss, Sally has little choice but to turn to Nick for help.

Thus begins book two in “The Bone Hunter” series by Richard DeGrandpre. On the hunt for a mysterious killer, Nick begins a perilous journey into Jordan’s dark and layered past. With the twists and turns of an old ponderosa pine, “The Knackerman” begins as a mystery but explodes into an epic thriller.